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KCI Accredited Journals (KCI 등재지)
KCI Impact Factor 0.54
Recent Trends in Seawater Secondary Battery Research
The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering 2024;57(6):432-438
Development of electrodeposited lithium metal anodes for next-generation lithium metal batteries
The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering 2024;57(6):439-448
Fabrication and characterization of catalyst supports for fuel cell MEA using jellyfish and seaweed roots
The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering 2024;57(6):449-455
The effects of electrolyte composition on the electropolishing and passivation of STS316L stainless steel for semiconductor applications
The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering 2024;57(6):456-462
Long-term Corrosion Specimen Image Analysis Using Optical Density-Based Image Normalization
The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering 2024;57(6):463-469
Corrosion Resistance and Hardness of Ni/Zn-Ni Multilayer Electrodeposited by Potential Control in a Single Bath
The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering 2024;57(6):470-475
Analysis of electrochemical activity level of composite electrodes for lithium secondary batteries using fractal dimensions
The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering 2024;57(6):476-485
Study on Segmentation of Corroded Specimens in Images Using U-Net
The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering 2024;57(6):486-491
Journal of the Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering publishes regular articles, short communications and occasional critical reviews on aspects of research and technology in surface engineering: surface treatment by dry or wet process, thin film materials and characterization, mechanical, optical, electric and magnetic properties of thin films, corrosion and wear behavior of thin films, new source, process, evaluation techniques for surface treatment.