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2021 Impact Factor 1.766
5-Year Impact Factor 1.674
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2021 Impact Factor 1.766
5-Year Impact Factor 1.674
성균관대학 이공대 금속공학과 대학원;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 3-10.
Many excellent Al-Zn-In anode have been developed up to the present. But for the purpose of the better performance of Al-Zn-In anodes in sea water the effect of calcium silicon addition on anodic polarization and current capacity of Al-Zn-In anodes was me
日本金屬表面技術協회 技術賞 受賞;日本횡業 (株) 技術開發部;慶熙大학敎 水原大학;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 11-17.
黃酸法으로 만든 뜨거운 飽和黃酸알루미늄 溶液으로부터 알루미늄을 두터운 六角板상結晶으로 結晶化하는 새로운 방법이 硏究되었다. 이 방법은 溫度만을 조절함으로써 結晶特性을 改良하거나 六角板상結晶을 純化하는 結晶化방법으로서 그 工程은 4단계 이다. 첫 단계에서는 飽和黃酸알루미늄溶液을 黃酸으로 냉각시켜 黃酸알루미늄으로 結晶化 시키고, 둘째 단계에서는 結晶化된 黃酸 알루미늄을 함유한 流動체를 가열하여 結晶의 일부만이 溶液속으로 溶解하는 溫度로 최소한 1시간 유지한
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 18-26.
韓國鍍金材料工業株式회社 工場長;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 27-35.
韓國科學院 材料工學科;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 36-39.
本工學會副會長, 大原通商 (株) 代表理事;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 40-42.
弘益工大金屬科 敎授;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 42-47.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 48-54.
전회에는 평형전위, 분극, 과전압 및 이들과 도금의 균일전착성과의 관계를 고찰하고 또한 금속의 석출과 수소발생의 관계에서 오는 전류효율의 문제와 전류효율을 높이기 위한 문제등을 다루었으나 이번회에는 EDTA의 성질, 기레이트 화합물등 착이온에 관계되는 문제와 어떠한 인자가 도금속도에 관계하고 있는지 도금할 때의 속도에 관해 알아보겠다.
Department of Metallurgical Engineering Kyung Poog National University;Department of Metallurgical Engineering Kyung Poog National University;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 75-83.
The Rates of formation and heats of activation for the intermatallic Compound Layers between Cold rolled sheet and molten aluminium &ath (adding small amounts of silicon) has been determined by Continous aluminizing method in the temperature range of 680<
서울대학교 공과대학 금속공학과 대학원생;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 84-87.
漢陽大工大 工業化學科 敎授 (工博);
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 88-95.
한국 도금재료공업주식회사 공장장;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 96-106.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 107-114.
韓國科학院 材料工학科;Dart Environment and Services Co. Lancy 硏究室;Lancy 硏究室 技術部;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 115-122.
금속이 함유된 폐기물의 처리는 점차 금속표면처리산업(Metal Finishing Industry)에서 큰 관심이 되어가고 있다. 위생침적지(Sanitary Landfills), 혹은 소각로에서 다른 도시 쓰레기들과 같이 처리되는 것은 환경상 불안전하며 이러한 행위는 중단되어야 한다. 다른 방법으로는 특수한 위생침적지의 운영, 안전한 침적지, 금속폐기물의 고정(Fixation), 혹은 포장(Capsule)에 넣어 버리는 방법등이 있으나 이러한 것들은 비실
弘益工大 金屬科;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 123-128.
本교는 原調査報文 Plating and Surface Finishing;Recovery Pay! Vol 66. No2. (1979) 45~48P을 번역한 것으로 도금폐수의 회수재생에 드는 비용과 장치비 그리고 미국에 있어서의 도금공장의 폐수 회수처리 현황을 알아보는데 참고가 되리라 믿는다.(역자주) Plating and Surface Finishing지의 조사결과는 폐액회수장치를 설치한 도금공장회사들이 화공약품을 절약할 수 있었고, 공장폐수 내에 중금속
弘益工大 金屬科;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 129-132.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 134-144.
금회에는 평활한 도금을 하기위한 요인과 평활제와 광태제의 작용기구, 그리고 전류분포 흡장수소, 내부응력, 밀착성, 경도, 도금욕 관리를 위한 관점에서의 양극의거동 및 배수처리에 관한 기초문제에 관해 알아보고 끝을 맺겠다. 본 강좌는 현장 실무자를 위해 日本실務表面技術誌 1974년 9~12월호 75년 1~3월호에 연재되었던 것을 계제할것임을 밝힙니다.
경희대학교 수원대학;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 161-166.
Theoretical and practical aspects are investigated for electrochemical behavious, plating processes and the structures of electrodeposit of Pb-Sn binary alloy plating through numerous literatures in this report. The anodic and cathodic electrode reaction
서울대학교 대학원 금속공학과;서울대학교 공과대학 금속공학과;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 167-173.
The structure of anodic aluminium oxide films formed in 2% oxalic asid at constant temperature was studied by the oid of the transmission and replica electron microscopy. Far the initial stage of oxidations, it is observed that pores are initiated from la
한양대학교 공대 공업화학과;한양대학교 공대 대학원;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 174-179.
The effects of brightness, electrochemical behaviour on the organic additives, such as aldehydes, polymers, amines and condensed product obtained from epichlorohydrin and nicotinamide, in cyanide zinc electrolplating bath have been studied by controlled p
日本 輕金屬工業 (株);
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 180-189.
漢陽大 材料工學科;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 190-192.
株式會社 大洋金屬;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 193-198.
大原通商 (株);
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 199-201.
弘益工大 今屬科;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 202-206.
Associateprofessor Dept of Environmental Science Kyung Hee University;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 12, No. , pp. 207-216.
Environmental pollution or contaminations caused by various kinds of pollutants have become one of most serious problems of our time. Environ mental pollution is the unfavoralble alteration of our surroundings, through direct or indirect effects of change
홍익공업전문학과 금속과;홍익공업전문학과 금속과;홍익공업전문학과 금속과;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 11, No. , pp. 5-13.
This experiment intends to study Zn-coating weight through galvanixing process. A through examination has been carried out on the change of steel-composition, galvanizing-temperature, dipping-rime, Fe-loss when other factors were regular. Activation energ
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 11, No. , pp. 14-21.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 11, No. , pp. 22-25.
老化크로미이트液中의 3가크롬을 6가크롬으로 酸化處理하여 크롬의 完全한 有效活用을 도첩한 化학的 酸化處理方式에 의한 크로메이트의 再生시스템에 관하여 기술하고자 한다.
漢陽大學校 工科大學 工業化學科;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 11, No. , pp. 3-15.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 11, No. , pp. 16-31.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 11, No. , pp. 32-33.
漢陽大 工大 工業化學科;漢陽大 工大 工業化學科;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 11, No. , pp. 3-9.
Organic compounds, such as aldehydes, amines, amides, sulfur compounds of polymers, have been added to cyanide Zinc electroplating bath to achieve in improvement of the brightness and of the current efficiency. It was found that the addition of only one c
漢陽大學校 工科大學 工業化學科;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 11, No. , pp. 10-16.
Ebara Udylite;;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 11, No. , pp. 17-27.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 11, No. , pp. 28-39.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 11, No. , pp. 40-42.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 11, No. , pp. 43-46.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 11, No. , pp. 47-55.
講座 알기쉬운 電기化학 (本誌 10권 제1호 2호 3호)에 뒤이어 本 講座를 싣는다. 역시 실務表面技術法의 連載講座를 옮긴 것으로 다음 目次의 內容 3回로 나누어 考察될 것이다.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 10, No. , pp. 1-18.
To support the domestic plating industry concerning localized products, survey was conducted in with chemicals and properties of plating solution. Collected samples from 55 factories throughout the country were investigated by spectigated by spectrograph,
홍익공업전문학교 금속과;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 10, No. , pp. 19-29.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 10, No. , pp. 34-36.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 10, No. , pp. 1-18.
In decorative chromium plating, highly concentrated conventionl baths (
한국금속표면처리 공업주식회사;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 10, No. , pp. 19-22.
한국금속표면공학회장 고대금속과;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 10, No. , pp. 23-33.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 10, No. , pp. 34-35.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 10, No. , pp. 36-39.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 10, No. , pp. 40-41.
金烏工業高等學校 金屬工學科;嶺南大學校文理科大學化學科;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 10, No. , pp. 3-11.
The trivalent choromium plating process have been studied by serveral group of orkers in the recent years. In the plating process, Alecra 3 process is the most familiar one. Potassium formate and potassium chloride of the bath compositions in the above pr
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 10, No. , pp. 17-20.
고려대학교 이공대;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 9, No. , pp. 1-7.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 9, No. , pp. 9-26.
경북대학교 공과대학;경북대학교 공과대학;경북대학교 공과대학;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 9, No. , pp. 1-7.
The dissolving and growth kinetics of intermetallic compounds for the reaction between solid iron and molten zinc were studied under nitorgen atmosphere over the temperature range between470
일본 임원 유리라이트주식회사 기술장;한양대학교 공과대학 재료공학과;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 9, No. , pp. 8-15.
UNESCO Training Adviser;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 9, No. , pp. 16-24.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 9, No. , pp. 1-4.
In order to get high wear-resistant gold alloy plating on electronic parts, on attempt has been made, in which Cu, Ni, and Zn EDTA salts were added in gold palting solution. The results obtained on the wear resistance are as follows: 1. The addition of 0.
한양대학교 재료공학과;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 9, No. , pp. 5-8.
In this study, a ruture strength of epoxy resin film coated on the leaking spot in waterpipe line was determined, using water pressure, without interrupting water supply. This results could be used for the sealing of water leakage in large size waterpipe
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 9, No. , pp. 9-10.
한양대학교 대학원생;한양대학교;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 8, No. , pp. 1-9.
The crorosion film of gilt bronz, silver and iron objects, which were excaved from Ancient Tomb of Silla Dynasty, was removed by the electrolytic reduction process. These metallic objects were mainly investigated for microstructure, designs and gilting fi
전 한국정밀기계센터 유네스코 기술전문가;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 8, No. , pp. 11-14.
Central Electrochemical Research Institute-Madras Unit.;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 8, No. , pp. 15-23.
Electrodeposition of metals form aqueous solutions (eg, electroplating ) is frequently accompanied, by the discharge of hydrogen ions(in acidic solutions) or water molecules ( in alkaline electrolytes). The atomic hydrogen produced thus may partly diffuse
Fairchild Semiconductor (Korea) LTD.;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 8, No. , pp. 1-6.
A novel electroplating process is described and effects of anode lay-out thickness distribution and on platiting rate are discussed. Microphotograhic analysis indicates are compact and less "POROUS " than of barrel and rack. With this process production c
고려대학교 대학원;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 8, No. , pp. 7-13.
홍익대학교 대학원 금속공학과;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 8, No. , pp. 14-19.
UNESCO Training Adviser , F.I.C.;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 8, No. , pp. 20-27.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 8, No. , pp. 1-4.
To study optical properties of Ag-Au alloys as the simplest homogeneous diordered alloys, the dependence of the reflectivity of Ag-Au alloys on their composition has been measured with the wave lengths ranging from 700m
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 8, No. , pp. 5-11.
The boronizing method using ferroborn and NaBF4 powder mixture was studied for surface hardening of medium carbon steel. This boride layer was compared with a boride layer that was formed in ferroboron and KBF4 powder mixture. The frequency factor and ac
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 7, No. , pp. 1-3.
고려대학교 이공대학;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 7, No. , pp. 5-12.
The interaction energy of water molecule over the surfaces of basal planes of silver iodide has been calculated , assuming 1-4-6--12 type potentials between the gas molecule and lattice ions in the silver iodide lattice. The heat of adsorption ranges from
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 7, No. , pp. 13-15.
한양대학교 금속공학과교수;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 7, No. , pp. 1-12.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 7, No. , pp. 13-17.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 7, No. , pp. 18-22.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 6, No. , pp. 1-6.
금속표면공학회 부회장;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 6, No. , pp. 7-10.
지포공업대학 금속공학과;지포공업대학 금속공학과;지포공업대학 금속공학과;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 6, No. , pp. 11-14.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 6, No. , pp. 15-20.
원자력연구소;한국과학기술연구소 금속재료연구실;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 5, No. , pp. 1-7.
Copper -clad laminate(CCL) was fabricated and evaluated by bonding 35
공영특수화학공업사 사장;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 5, No. , pp. 8-10.
한국표면기술협회 이사;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 5, No. , pp. 11-18.
한국정밀기기센터 기술고문;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 5, No. , pp. 19-26.
한양대학교 공과대학;한양대학교 공과대학 조교;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 5, No. , pp. 1-4.
We have studied about the optimum chemical etching and sensitizing conditions of the plating on plastics. As specimen `Mitzubishi Nobren MM2A` was used. The results were as follow. 1) The optimum chemical etching conditions. Etched the specimens for
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 5, No. , pp. 5-6.
동양석판공업주식회사 기술부장;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 5, No. , pp. 7-15.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 5, No. , pp. 16-18.
삼금특수도료주식회사;고려대학교 이공대학교수;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 5, No. , pp. 19-32.
한양대학교 공과대학;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 5, No. , pp. 77-85.
A method of preparation of synthetic ignorgaic coating on copper (patina) has been presented . An Eh--pH diagram was constructed for the present Cu-H2O-SO
한국급속표면기술협회 부회장;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 5, No. , pp. 86-88.
일본 명길옥공업대학;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 5, No. , pp. 89-94.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 5, No. , pp. 95-96.
서울대학교 공과대학교수;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 4, No. , pp. 5-15.
Rapid Determination of Boric Acid in Nickel Plating Solution by the addition of Na
서울대학교 공과대학;한양대학교 공과대학;서울대학교 공과대학;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 4, No. , pp. 16-23.
In this study , fluoborte solution consisting of lead fluoborate, tin fluoborate and cupric acetate was used. By addition of small amount of Cu+= ion to the solution, the Cu content of deposition layer was almost controlled less than 5%. The amount of Cu
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 4, No. , pp. 24-25.
서울대학교 공과대학 화공학과 대학원;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 4, No. , pp. 26-29.
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 4, No. , pp. 30-35.
서울대학교 공과대학교수;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 3, No. , pp. 7-12.
Only mannitol or glycerine is generally used for the determination of boric acid in a nickel plating solution in order to make its acidic property so strong that it can be titrated with NaOH. However, these solutions give very amgiguous color change of in
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 3, No. , pp. 13-19.
M&T Chemicals Inc. Market Manager;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 3, No. , pp. 20-21.
공영특수화학공업사 대표;
KISE Journal of Korean Institute of Surface Engineering, Vol. 3, No. , pp. 22-23.