Dec, 31, 2024

Vol.57 No.6

Editorial Office


  • The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering
  • Volume 57(3); 2024
  • Article


The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering 2024;57(3):165-178. Published online: Jul, 8, 2024


Research Trend of High Aspect Ratio Contact Etching used in Semiconductor Memory Device Manufacturing

  • Hyun-Woo Taka, Myeong-Ho Parkb, Jun-Soo Leec, Chan-Hyuk Choib, Bong-Sun Kima, Jun-Ki Janga, Eun-Koo Kimd, Dong-Woo Kima, Geun-Young Yeoma,b,c,*
    aSchool of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Gyeonggi-do 16419, Korea bSKKU Advanced Institute of Nano Technology (SAINT), Sungkyunkwan University, Gyeonggi-do 16419, Korea cDepartment of Photovoltaic System Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Gyeonggi-do 16419, Korea dDepartment of Semiconductor and Display Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Gyeonggi-do 16419, Korea

In semiconductor memory device manufacturing, the capability for high aspect ratio contact (HARC) etching determines the density of memory device. Given that there is no standardized definition of "high" in high aspect ratio, it is crucial to continuously monitor recent technology trends to address technological gaps. Not only semiconductor memory manufacturing companies such as Samsung Electronics, SK Hynix, and Micron but also semiconductor manufacturing equipment companies such as Lam Research, Applied Materials, Tokyo Electron, and SEMES release annual reports on HARC etching technology. Although there is a gap in technological focus between semiconductor mass production environments and various research institutes, the results from these institutes significantly contribute by demonstrating fundamental mechanisms with empirical evidence, often in collaboration with industry researchers. This paper reviews recent studies on HARC etching and the study of dielectric etching in various technologies.

Keywords High Aspect Ratio Contact(HARC) Etching; Dielectric Etching; Silicon Oxide Etching; Silicon Nitride Etching; Memory Device Manufacturing.